Tag Archives: costs of bullying

school parents

Students receive settlement over religious harassment and bullying

Several students who were bullying and shamed because of their Jewish religon will share a large settlement from the school district.  But…does this take the pain or the lost time away?  To read more… Click here

40 Years of Research on Bullying

A special issue of American Psychologist® provides a comprehensive review of over 40 years of research on bullying among school age youth, documenting the current understanding of the complexity of the issue and suggesting directions for future research…<click here>

valentine road

VALENTINE ROAD…something to think about

This article and video are powerful in how they show what can happen with bullying.  When one is different, when one does not know how to handle the different’s of others, and how the lack of understanding, acceptance, and compassion can create huge tragedy.  We are putting the link to view the video-which is powerful, educational, well done, and tragic  and an article.  Please share with students, your children, friends, etc.  This did not need to happen and because it did, we need to make sure that some positive comes from it.  For more…<click here>  for the video…<click here>