Author Archives: bullynomoreca


Bullying occurs against teachers as well as students

We all too often tend to think that bullying is focused only on children.  Sadly that is not true.  The following shows that teachers also get bullied-from students and from other teachers and administrators.  More grist for the mill  that bullying is way too pervasive and too expensive on too many levels…  <click here>

9 yr old girl in hawaii

A nine year old girl has the courage to stand up to bullies…

This is a true hero who has the courage of  many several times her age! here


Sibling Bullying – What are the Consequences?

A new study published Monday in the journal Pediatrics is a reminder that bullying also happens at home, between brothers and sister. And, as with peer bullying, sibling bullying is also harmful to a child or teenager’s mental health, the new research finds… <read more>


Reasons to Have a Bullying Awareness/Prevention Program in Schools

There is some very good research showing how programs that provide kids with awareness and protection skills helps lower the amount of bullying that occurs.  To read more…<click here>

Is There Anything Good About Bullying?

This article highlights the possible benefits of bullying. It seems to go counter to the concept of kindness, however we feel we need to share all opinions and information in order to be fair. To read more <click here>

Dad Demonstrates His Support of Ending Bullying

A caring father shows his support for his son and his strong committment to making schools take more action in ending bullying…to read article <click here>