Bully No More curriculums

Bullying Prevention Program Curriculum

This program has been developed to help schools, organizations, and businesses deal with the on-going and increasing problem of bullying.  Whether it be at work, school, or in some public place, bullying is a problem that impacts and hurts many people.  Bullying survives by its isolation-all too often; no one tells that they are being bullied. The phenomenon of bullying needs isolation, fear, shame, and fear to survive.  As long as a bully can keep the victim(s) isolated and feeling alone the bullying will thrive.  Once the bullying becomes a public problem and there is a united effort to deal with it, bullying disappears.

In this program, participants will learn about bullying, what it is, what it isn’t, and how to deal with it.  We are going to look at this phenomenon of bullying from three perspectives

  1. The bully.
  2. The environment where the bulling occurs.
  3. The victim of the bullying.

Three Part Curriculum:

This program can be incorporated into the daily activities of school.  It covers social conscience, values, self-preservation, intuitive thinking, and awareness of the world around us.  We have included information that can be sent to parents-via e-mail or paper.  If the parents can be included in supporting the program, the impact will be much stronger.  We have included the Houses of Bullying and of Anti-Bullying in this package and we encourage copies being made for take home so the parents can discuss what happened with their kids on a weekly or daily basis.  We also encourage using the “Acts of Kindness” sheets for participants to recognize and utilize kindness on a daily basis.

This is an “active” program.  By that, we mean that it has been designed so that participants are part of the program and are contributing to it.  They are responsible for part of the content and they add their own experiences to the program.  By incorporating what they have “seen, heard, or done”, the program becomes more personal, more powerful, and more effective.

Depending on time allocated, each part of the curriculum will take 2-3 weeks to complete.  Taking time allows participants to understand, incorporate, watch, and integrate the principles of this program.

Grade Specific Curriculums

BNM offers four age specific curriculums-pre-3rd, 4th to 6th, 7th-8th, and 9ht-12th grades.  Each program consists of 10 sessions and each comes with a workbook that can be copied.  We have also developed a materials kit to go with each curriculum.  Each of these programs is designed to develop awareness of what bullying is, how to keep oneself safe, and age appropriate strategies for ending bullying.  We offer these curriculums free.  We only ask that you have participants fill out the pre and post tests and return the information to us for the purpose of developing data on the effectiveness of our programs.  To have the curriculum and workbook mailed to  you, please fill out the contact form and specify which curriculum you would like.  It will be e-mailed to you in a PDF format. [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

3  part covercover for 9-12cover for 7-8cover for 4-6